
alcohol, etc.

I favor the Islamic ban against the (non-sellable) substances, e.g: alcohol.

If your business involves selling such, then I would like not to facilitate your success, in that.

Do I have to list a few, why the Islamic ban is so logical? For example, the atrocities of Serbs (& other such brutals), strike the sensibilities, as obvious cases of willful massive evil. But unfortunately, the stats about alcohol, would probably surpass even that, wildly. So many killings and rapes occur, while one or both of the parties were out-of-their-minds, because of alcohol. That is resembling a kind of (random) terrorism, with explosions around the world, all the time.

The term "non-sellable" is not in the strict sense that what I may not sell. In the case of providing the platform for your business, the case is resembling any town with various people -- for example Midyat, but not Mecca.

For example, I am not allowable to sell icons that people of other beliefs worship, but with the Islamic religious tolerance, we understand that they/you may buy & sell, to obtain such icons that you value. In summary, I may tell you the way how to exist in our platform, even if I may not go into the specifics of your religious trade. But alcohol is rarely a religious substance -- let alone hogs.

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Last-Revised (text) on Oct. 20, 2007
Written by Ahmed Ferzen/Ferzan R Midyat-Zilan (or, Earth)
Copyright (c) 2007 Ferzan Midyat. All rights reserved.